So, you may wonder - what's so bad about that? So somebody controls it all from behind the scenes... does it matter? Well... here's the part that DOES matter. They have a plan... that thing that all comic villains aspire to (well, most of them)... to take over the world!! *cue evil laugh*

Anyway - the Big Brother state is on it's way. If you doubt it, take a look at how much things have changed in the last few years. Did our parents have 24/7 CCTV in practically every shop, pub or street they went to? Did they EXPECT to be filmed when they left the house? (Just so you know, there are cameras practically everywhere if you live in a city, and it's ok not to tell you because "you should expect to be filmed when in public"... really?) Did you know that if, for example, the FBI wanted to find out about you - there would probably be videos on record of every time you left the house, everything you ever bought with your credit card, every website you ever went to (and any posts you made on any forum), everywhere you travelled (especially if you have a car with SatNav), every call or text you ever sent or received on your mobile; they could even get hold of your employment, education and medical records. [As a side note, if you don't like the idea of your medical records being accessible to practically anyone, have a read of this!] The amount of things that you do which are already monitored is ridiculous. What is the reason for it? Some common excuses may include "for your safety" or "to prevent terrorism".
To prevent terrorism?? So prying into everybody's lives is going to stop terrorism? If you have a look at the Prevention of Terrorism Bill, you will see that - basically - having anti-government thoughts is classed as terrorism. They intend to stop "terrorism" all right - by getting to the root of it. By stopping the thoughts before they become anything else. I don't want to sound all scary by saying THEY WANT TO CONTROL YOUR MIND but that is what they are on the way to achieving. I already shudder at the generation below me, the little chav children who worship the big flashing media box in their living rooms, the consumer generation. We are already brainwashed so much it isn't even funny. So, they want a "unified" world, a world of mindless zombies, each undistinguishable from the last, conformists with no opportunity to rebel as their every move is monitored. Go on, read 1984. It will depress you, but it's what we're becoming.
They want to introduce ID cards next year - because, y'know, they don't know enough about us already, and we all know that a little piece of card will prevent terrorism. The best link I can give you is - have a read. This is really happening, and sadly most people will just accept it. Why are we letting this happen? They are siphoning away our rights, in front of our noses, step by step so that we barely notice. Freedom of speech is becoming a thing of the past - replaced with words that you "can't say!!" because they're offensive. They have changed the words to "Baa Baa Black Sheep" to "Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep" - in case it offends people!? Black is a COLOUR... and there's no such thing as a fucking RAINBOW SHEEP!!! It's so sad, it's funny. But this political correctness is just the destruction of freedom of speech in disguise. Before we realise, it will be too late.
For now, all I ask is that you have a read of the links I have given you, and think about it.
i really enjoyed this blog, ive been doing some research on the whole "NWO" recently since a friend of mine really shoved some information in front of me. If you havent already check out the film zeitgeist.
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