Who is in charge of your life?
Did you just say "I am"? If you really are, then good for you.
There are a number of answers for this one. Until you leave home, your parents have a great deal of control over you - what you wear, eat, even what you think - until your teenage rebellious years, of course, in which case they still keep a roof over your head and work to earn money so you can live, meaning you have to abide by their rules to some degree. At the same time you abide by the rules that say you have to go to school, and do the work that they tell you to.
Then, when you leave home and stand on your own two feet (and if you sponge off your parents forever then shame!!) you will perhaps to on to higher education. You are in charge of your own learning for the most part, but who is in charge of your resources? Somewhere, someone chooses what is allowed to go into print, what is allowed to enter your libraries. Your essays can be about anything you wish to write about, but at the end of the day you can be marked down for disagreeing with the "accepted" opinion.
You can get a job, but you will always be working for somebody. If you are self-employed, you will still have to follow certain rules and regulations, set by the government.
You may think you are free, but if you really are then why don't you act on every impulse you have? Because it's weird? Because it's wrong? Because it's illegal? As stupid as this may sound, and many are likely to retort with "you're saying it's ok to go around murdering people??" - if something holds you back from doing the things you want to, then how can you call yourself free?
If you are not free, then someone is stopping you from being free. Someone is telling you what is alright and what is unacceptable to do and to think. Not only that, but you are completely dependent on them. Unless you grew and weaved the clothes on your back, grow all your own food and built your own house from your own raw materials, you are dependent on others to provide you with the materials you "need" to live - and I am only talking about food, heat and clothing here, not "must haves" such as a mobile phone, hair straigheners, make-up and a television. You rely on others for these things, and that is how they keep you hooked. They know that you need them. In exchange, they will do what they want to you, and few will notice or complain.
So who do we turn to? Who are the puppetmasters? Well, the first place to look is the Government, of course. Everything wrong with the country is blamed on the government, and probably rightly so, because we cannot deny that there is a lot wrong with our society at the moment. The way they take our money left, right and centre is bad enough without the appalling way in which they spend it. Have a look at the website Financial Outrage, which highlights some of the ways in which the money that belongs to us is stolen and kept from us.
I will post a larger section about this another time, but when you look into things, you will find that it is not "the government" who are to blame for everything. The government that we see are but puppets themselves, controlled by a higher power. This power is commonly known as the Illuminati, but it has been known by some other names. I usually refer to them as "Them" or the powers that be.
If you look on Wikipedia for the illuminati, you will likely find the cover-story - that they were a society of intellectuals who formed when the church was at it's most powerful, because any free thinking was deemed to be the devil's work. If you read Dan Brown's Angels and Demons you will be given the same story, and told that the Illuminati no longer exist, and anyone who believes that they do is a deranged conspiracy "nut".
Not true. The Illuminati is around today, or at least a group that pluck the strings of the world from the shadows. It is already quite commonly known that Tony Blair and George Bush are Freemasons (33rd degree). Did you know that or am I going too fast?
Okay. Here are some links that might help.
Freemasonry: http://www.gl-mi.org/freemasonry-explained.htm - A real Masons site!!
What others say about it!
Freemasonry is often associated with Satanism and the occult, (not the same thing!!) although we don't know quite how true this is! What I do know is that the initiation ritual involves lying in a coffin, which is a bit strange. Anyway, think "stonecutters" in the Simpsons, kind of. An underground network of men who help each other out. Most of the world's most successful men are masons and got where they were because they joined!! Sounds good? I know three Masons, but they won't tell me anything. They all do very well for themselves though. Rumour has it that betraying the secrets of this "Brotherhood" results in death!
The Masons have different ranks, with Blair and Bush being at the higher degrees - as you may tell from their societal positions. However, did you know that Bush is also a member of a secret society called Skull and Bones? If you type it into Google, it is no longer much of a secret. Bush practically admitted it anyway. Most of these politicians are members, and the society is commonly associated with the occult. Alex Jones claims to have caught them at an occult ritual in Bohemian Grove (you can buy the DVD and everything) - where they worship a giant stone owl, namely the idol Moloch. Sounds a bit extreme? http://www.infowars.com/bg1.html have a look! Of course I remain open to the possibility that the video is staged and fake. Jones is a bit of a nutter. But hey.
Anyway all these societies areapparently linked in with the Illuminati. Basically, they run everything. Whatever company you bank with, the theory is that it is actually owned by Them. Apart from taxes and excessive consumerism, they make their money from loans, interest and well - the fact that they have everyone's money in their grasp until you decide to withdraw it. The amount of world debt is so huge that they need this money to pay it off... and of course to invest in the arms trade, animal testing, the Iraq war and other such beautiful things. You may have noticed the Maestro posters around, trying to drill home the idea that cash is "smelly" and "gets lost". They're trying to get everyone to give up cash and rely totally on banks, so that they are in total control of our wealth. I'm sure everyone has had at least one problem with a bank, so please try to ignore this anti-cash propaganda. Sure, cash gets lost and smells a bit, but credit means you don't see what you're spending, end up with huge debts and if you have a problem with your card, you're screwed.
I'm going to wrap it up there. Basically, if you're not already aware of the Illuminati and the such, go and look it up my dears. You may not believe it... you may not want to believe it... it may not even be true! But tomorrow I will discuss the Illuminati's plans ;)

Tuesday, 19 December 2006
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thats the stuff!
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